Tangerine Peel Can Reduce Cholesterol

Cholesterol is generally divided into high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is beneficial to the body and can prevent atherosclerosis. Foods rich in HDL cholesterol are deep sea fish. Scientists infer that Eskimos have a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease related to their diet of deep sea fish. While…

The Pain of Bones and Joints

Modern people live stressful lives. Young and old alike have chances of suffering from bone pain. Bone pain is not the exclusive domain of the elderly. Bone pain can be caused by many pathological factors, including colds, gout (high uric acid), rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, and idiopathic bone pain of unknown cause….

Decompression – Start From the Heart

The word “stress” sounds familiar to everyone, and it seems that everyone is more or less inextricably linked with it. When we hear its footsteps coming, our hearts beat faster and our breathing becomes tense as countless thoughts run through our minds. Since the industrial revolution, people’s lives have undergone tremendous changes, and the world’s…